When creating a marketing plan for your business, you need to consider every avenue to get the word out there. From your logo to your website, everything has to be just right. One thing business owners may overlook is the importance of signage to their overall brand. Signage is often the first impression someone gets from your business and you want to make it count. By taking advantage of custom signage, you can stand out from the crowd and bring your brand to the next level.
Ways to Use Custom Business Signs
Signage has more uses than simply marking where a business is with a logo over the door. There are many different ways they can use signage to improve their business. For example, signs throughout the interior of a business can help people locate merchandise and advertise certain deals. This helps to improve the customer experience while encouraging impulse buys on those hard-to-pass-up deals. Signs can also be used to turn passers-by into customers. Someone passing a business may have no intention of entering until they see an eye-catching sign with a great deal or message on it. With a minimal upfront cost, you can do wonders with custom business signs.

Signage Options
There are plenty of signage options for you to choose from. They can be ground-mounted with either a weighted base or stakes for soft ground. Ground-mounted signs are perfect for catching the eye of passing drivers and pedestrians. Signs can also be mounted on the walls of your business to both attract passing pedestrians to your business and give it an air of authority with an impressive, custom-made sign.
Benefits for Marketing
Unlike many marketing tactics and campaigns, custom business signs can advertise your business 24/7. They stand tall, constantly reinforcing your brand and spreading the word about the business. Instead of costly marketing campaigns, custom signage can be quickly and affordably made in either small quantities or in bulk. You can potentially reach more people with a sign than on the radio, newspapers, or even television at an affordable price. Custom business signs also make it easier to stand out at events like trade shows. When you have an eye-catching sign, you can generate buzz about your business and leave an impact on potential customers and clients.
Alternative Signage
Another effective use of custom signage is the ability to conduct mobile advertising. With products like bumper stickers and magnetic signs, you can have your customers advertise for you. With a cool logo or message, you can get countless customers to bring your branding along with them.

Eye-Catching Custom Business Signs
Every great business or memorable event needs a sign. Point your audience in the right direction with custom business signs. To get the most of your signs, you need to go to the pros. From screen printed apparel to customized signage and promotional products, NJ Ink Shop can bring your vision to life.
We offer full-color, dye-sublimation printed banners in a variety of styles and sizes. Whether you prefer square, tear-shaped, large, or small indoor and outdoor signs, we have the right one for you. We use only the highest-quality materials and all of our signs come with ground stakes, support poles and storage bags to make sure you can use your signs for years to come.
Don’t let your brand blend in with the crowd, let us set you apart with custom-made artistry. Not exactly sure what you are looking for? Our talented designers can lead you in the right direction – we can even do the designing for you! It’s time to get creative, it’s time to get inked.